Empowerment Through Energetic Healing: Opening to Our Magnificence
Who were we before we were told who we were?
Humans are born magnificent, powerful, creative beings. We are designed to be creators of our world. We were given a huge brain to help us in this task, yet most of us only ever use ten percent of our brain in our lifetime. Why do we play the game of life so small? Why do we so often feel small, powerless, and stuck in worn-out patterns that don’t serve us? Where and how did we lose our brilliance, and is there anything that we can do about it?
To understand what's going on, we first need to understand a very basic fact. Like everything that exists in the universe, we are energy-beings; our thoughts, feelings, and bodies are made up of free-flowing energy. Our thoughts and feelings are the creators of our world and the blueprints to our actions. Positive thoughts and feelings expand our world into positive creation. Negative ones contract energy, creating a void where the negative forces of fear, betrayal, anger, jealousy, and separation are ready to shift us from a natural state of ease with ourselves and the world to a state of dis-content, dis-comfort and dis-ease. Thoughts and feelings create a vibratory field around us that attracts other similar energies; these energies, whether positive or negative, determine the types of experiences that come into our lives.W e are creating our world, whether by intention or by default
We start life as children designed to grow and flourish in stages that are meant to produce a powerful adult aligned with our inner truth and purpose. This process requires nurture, understanding, and acknowledgement. When a child’s needs are misunderstood or not met, gaps and imbalances in the energetic body result in negative feelings like victimhood, emptiness, not good enough, stuck-on-a-hamster-wheel, and dead-end relationships.
Fortunately we are also endlessly flexible beings, capable of creating new patterns and behaviors when we put our intentions to work. Negative feelings, thoughts, and patterns are learned responses, mythologies, and misunderstandings that we adopted as children to help us survive childhood. In adulthood they keep us small and powerless. The great news is that they can be unlearned, re-educated, and transformed.
In my practice we use simple tools to work with the mind, body, and soul. We use clear information to help you understand your process. We use breath, sound, movement and bio-energetic tools to help release the energy block in your body; we honor and nurture your feelings, which are the indicators of who you truly are. By uncovering your passion for life, we begin to reveal your soul's true purpose, and release your power to follow your bliss.
Humans are born magnificent, powerful, creative beings. We are designed to be creators of our world. We were given a huge brain to help us in this task, yet most of us only ever use ten percent of our brain in our lifetime. Why do we play the game of life so small? Why do we so often feel small, powerless, and stuck in worn-out patterns that don’t serve us? Where and how did we lose our brilliance, and is there anything that we can do about it?
To understand what's going on, we first need to understand a very basic fact. Like everything that exists in the universe, we are energy-beings; our thoughts, feelings, and bodies are made up of free-flowing energy. Our thoughts and feelings are the creators of our world and the blueprints to our actions. Positive thoughts and feelings expand our world into positive creation. Negative ones contract energy, creating a void where the negative forces of fear, betrayal, anger, jealousy, and separation are ready to shift us from a natural state of ease with ourselves and the world to a state of dis-content, dis-comfort and dis-ease. Thoughts and feelings create a vibratory field around us that attracts other similar energies; these energies, whether positive or negative, determine the types of experiences that come into our lives.W e are creating our world, whether by intention or by default
We start life as children designed to grow and flourish in stages that are meant to produce a powerful adult aligned with our inner truth and purpose. This process requires nurture, understanding, and acknowledgement. When a child’s needs are misunderstood or not met, gaps and imbalances in the energetic body result in negative feelings like victimhood, emptiness, not good enough, stuck-on-a-hamster-wheel, and dead-end relationships.
Fortunately we are also endlessly flexible beings, capable of creating new patterns and behaviors when we put our intentions to work. Negative feelings, thoughts, and patterns are learned responses, mythologies, and misunderstandings that we adopted as children to help us survive childhood. In adulthood they keep us small and powerless. The great news is that they can be unlearned, re-educated, and transformed.
In my practice we use simple tools to work with the mind, body, and soul. We use clear information to help you understand your process. We use breath, sound, movement and bio-energetic tools to help release the energy block in your body; we honor and nurture your feelings, which are the indicators of who you truly are. By uncovering your passion for life, we begin to reveal your soul's true purpose, and release your power to follow your bliss.