ofThe Egyptian Book of the Dead, found in the pharoah’s tomb, was a guide for the soul through the underworld. #Anubis, the jackal-headed God (carrying an Ankh, symbol of life), was the embalmer of the body and guide of the soul (in white robe). In the Hall of Judgement, the heart of the deceased was weighed on the Scales of Justice against the Feather of Truth. If the heart was lighter than a feather, the deceased could proceed on to the upper world to become a shining star in the heavens.
But if his heart was heavier, Ammit the Devourer, (part crocodile, leopard, and hippo), was waiting beneath the scales to devour it. Without a heart the soul would cease to exist!
Thoth, the ibis-headed god of scribes, standing on the right, would write down the proceedings in the #Akaishic Records, which kept track
But if his heart was heavier, Ammit the Devourer, (part crocodile, leopard, and hippo), was waiting beneath the scales to devour it. Without a heart the soul would cease to exist!
Thoth, the ibis-headed god of scribes, standing on the right, would write down the proceedings in the #Akaishic Records, which kept track