On this the shortest day of this year, it feels to me like we have reached the bottom of the endless well of suffering and violence . I hope I am right on this. The tectonic plates seem to be groaning, shifting; moving, breaking up. Beams of light break through the cracks. It has been a very long journey.
It is time to pull ourselves together;. The forces that pulled us apart have reached bottom. Now they begin to circle back inward. Rejoice!
A child is born. This child. That child. Any child. They are all blessed. We are all blessed. We need to know it. We need to acknowledge it. Let Healing begin!
A word about the name change. My reason for choosing the name Lenape for my first newsletter was out of gratitude and respect for the healers and native people who came here before us and loved this land at least as much as we do. However, some of us thought it might not be respectful to use the name witihout permission of those who bear it. So I concede, not wanting to step on any toes, and I find a name that seems to fit certainly as well, and perhaps even better.
A word about the dark The Winter darkness has been challenging for me. The days are so short, I scramble to fill the long night. In our fast paced life, I find it difficult to slow down and do little.
In the days before electricity we humans sat by candle light and told stories. We looked long at the stars in the night sky. We listened to the night. We dreamed. Imagined. Breathed. These are the days of fullness, gestation, possibility.
Soon enough the earth energies will be waking up again, and so will ours. But for now soften into the nurturing arms of the womb. A child is coming.
Festival of lights; since earliest times, this has been a time of lighting, of campfire, of storytelling, of community. The symbol for this coming together is the circle. The circle and its cynamic, the spiral, are the symbols to work from in this time of coming together. We as a civilization have been living under the weight of the pyramid, not the pyramid of Ancient Egypt, but the pyramid of the few at the top, and the rest of humanity at the bottom, supporting and feeding the “masters of the universe.” In your meditations and intentions, imagine softening the pyramid till it melts into a sphere; a giant teepee with a great warming fire at the center, and the tribes sitting round it , telling stories and roasting popcorn and marshmallows.
It is a powerful, transformative image, and our job is to bring positive energies into existence.
The next Shamanic circle will be on Sunday February 1 to celebrate Brigid’s Day; my favorite celtic Goddess. She is the bringer of earth Energies back to the land. She is feminine power- the power of life, of new beginnings, of growth and abundance. She is the goddess of the fire, the forge, and metallurgy. She is the goddess of poetry and story telling. She’s got it all!!!
Children’s Shamanic circle forming;
In February I will be giving a monthly shamanic circle for children and their parents. at the Cooperage. If any of you would like to help out I would be very grateful for your help. Let your friends with children know and look for future notices.
May the blessings of the Darkness and the Light be yours.
It is time to pull ourselves together;. The forces that pulled us apart have reached bottom. Now they begin to circle back inward. Rejoice!
A child is born. This child. That child. Any child. They are all blessed. We are all blessed. We need to know it. We need to acknowledge it. Let Healing begin!
A word about the name change. My reason for choosing the name Lenape for my first newsletter was out of gratitude and respect for the healers and native people who came here before us and loved this land at least as much as we do. However, some of us thought it might not be respectful to use the name witihout permission of those who bear it. So I concede, not wanting to step on any toes, and I find a name that seems to fit certainly as well, and perhaps even better.
A word about the dark The Winter darkness has been challenging for me. The days are so short, I scramble to fill the long night. In our fast paced life, I find it difficult to slow down and do little.
In the days before electricity we humans sat by candle light and told stories. We looked long at the stars in the night sky. We listened to the night. We dreamed. Imagined. Breathed. These are the days of fullness, gestation, possibility.
Soon enough the earth energies will be waking up again, and so will ours. But for now soften into the nurturing arms of the womb. A child is coming.
Festival of lights; since earliest times, this has been a time of lighting, of campfire, of storytelling, of community. The symbol for this coming together is the circle. The circle and its cynamic, the spiral, are the symbols to work from in this time of coming together. We as a civilization have been living under the weight of the pyramid, not the pyramid of Ancient Egypt, but the pyramid of the few at the top, and the rest of humanity at the bottom, supporting and feeding the “masters of the universe.” In your meditations and intentions, imagine softening the pyramid till it melts into a sphere; a giant teepee with a great warming fire at the center, and the tribes sitting round it , telling stories and roasting popcorn and marshmallows.
It is a powerful, transformative image, and our job is to bring positive energies into existence.
The next Shamanic circle will be on Sunday February 1 to celebrate Brigid’s Day; my favorite celtic Goddess. She is the bringer of earth Energies back to the land. She is feminine power- the power of life, of new beginnings, of growth and abundance. She is the goddess of the fire, the forge, and metallurgy. She is the goddess of poetry and story telling. She’s got it all!!!
Children’s Shamanic circle forming;
In February I will be giving a monthly shamanic circle for children and their parents. at the Cooperage. If any of you would like to help out I would be very grateful for your help. Let your friends with children know and look for future notices.
May the blessings of the Darkness and the Light be yours.